Tala cooks

Stuffed Peppers

Posted in not so "local" by goltala on October 25, 2009

I finally decided to post recipes on this blog stub instead of random images. At the risk of seeming completely un-seasonal and un-local on top of that, the first recipe is dedicated to Talley. I will have to elaborate the desigh. the photography, the everything, but in the meantime, it will be a good way to keep track of recipes.
The stuffed peppers adventure started in Rome this past summer. Every morning we walked past the most glorious fruit and vegetable stands on the little market place next to our apartment.

Piazza san cosimato Tasting the ratatouille

The wonderful peppers, zucchini, and eggplants jumpstarted a wonderful six weeks of delicious home cooking. With vegetables this good, things can hardly ever go wrong. There is a reason why a ratatouille in Paris was such a source of stress and in Rome it was the easiest things in the world.

We did have one problem though, the group of 12 people we were cooking for on a near-daily basis was getting a bit “tired” of the daily combination of tomatoes/mozzarella/carbs + other.

For those who haven’t heard my theory yet, Italians and Iranians have much more in common than you would think. Without going into it any further, I will just say that my Iranian grandmother’s cooking tips gave a little twist to stuffed peppers that no one expected. The combination of fried onions, something a little sweet (in this case dried prunes) and some punchy herb (mint) is very common in Iranian cuisine and you’ll see many variations on that theme.


Red or Yellow Bell Peppers (one per guest)


Ground Beef

Basmati Rice

Dried Prunes

Fresh or dry mint

Turmeric (optional)

Fresh or canned tomato

Fry the onions in a pan with olive oil or butter until golden brown and soft. Add the ground beef (still on high heat) and stir it until it is well browned. Reduce the heat and season to taste with salt, pepper, turmeric. Mix in the can of peeled tomatoes or the fresh tomatoes. Simmer on low heat for 20 min. After 10 min, add the chopped prunes and mint as well. In the meantime, prepare the basmati rice according to the instructions on the package, but you want the rice to be slightly undercooked, since it will be mixed with the rest of the meat. When both the meat and rice are cooked, combine them together. Cut the peppers in half and stuff them. Put the peppers in a baking pan and cover them with olive oil. Bake for about 40-50 min at 350 degreers Fahrenheit, or until the peppers look tender.

PS: I will try to edit this and add actual measurements…

Posted in Uncategorized by goltala on January 2, 2009

La nuit des imagesGrand Palais. Dans la nuit, des images.


Le 31 Decembre etait le dernier soir de cette expo au Grand Palais a Paris. Ma fascination pour la verriere du Grand Palais est telle que je tiens toujours a voir l’exposition ou l’installation en cours dans la nef, lors de mes vacances Parisiennes. J’avais bien sur adore le fait que pour l’inauguration en 2005, la verriere se soit transformee en une merveilleuse fete foraine. La grande roue en plein milieu de la nef donnait l’impression d’etre sur le point de percer le ciel etoile parisien. J’avais aussi adore l’installation des machineries merveilleuses de la compagnie de theatre Royal de Luxe, ou dans un registre un peu plus cerebral, l’installation des oeuvres d’Anselm Kiefer (je devrais revenir sur le sujet une autre fois, car c’etait vraiment epoustouflant).

Mais a part ces coups de coeur, il y eut aussi bien sur des deceptions, telles que l’installation de Richard Serra. Ses oeuvres etaient d’un seul coup presque reduites a neant, de simples plaques de metal abandonnees, qui n’arrivaient vraiment pas a tenir tete a l’incroyable toile d’Ariane de fer et de verre de la nef.


La nef du Grand Palais reste l’une des seules structures aujourd’hui qui puisse nous donner la moindre idee des exploits techniques du 19e siecle et de leurs applications architecturales. Le mythe du Crystal Palace ne quitte jamais l’esprit des architectes… Il faut savoir que l’un des elements remarquables du Crystal Palace etait l’organisation interne des pavillons, faite par Semper, grace a des tentures colorees, et le jeu de la lumiere etait cense “modeler” l’espace a differentes echelles.

L’idee d’une installation multimedia et de projections videos a l’interieur de la nef semblait etre l’une des idees les plus interessantes comme parti architectural et spatial. Tout cela s’est concretisee en une expo, “Dans la nuit, des images”, plus de 100 videos et projections d’artistes, mais surtout une cacophonie hallucinante. Je pourrais essayer d’en dire long sur les associations visuelles les plus interessantes ou la juxtaposition des echafaudages temporaires avec la structure metallique de la nef, le tout sous un eclairage limite… sauf que, quelqu’un avait oublie d’ajuster le son. tout simplement. En sortant, les sirenes des voitures de police sur les Champs me semblaient tellement melodieuses! Les “reves de la modernite” doivent surement inclure la tranquillite sonore, plus que tout autre extravagance visuelle… comment est-ce que Apple ou Bose auraient si bien reussi sinon?



Posted in Uncategorized by goltala on January 2, 2009

This is where my image scrapbook is somehow going to turn into words and coherent sentences.